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AR Verma

Why On-Page SEO Should Be Your Top Priority?

Most of the time when we say that we need to improve our site’s SEO it means On-Page SEO. How many of you would agree with this?

SEO is an acronym that stands for Search Engine Optimization. The term simply means to push the ranking of a website or a web page on SERP (search engine result pages) for a particular keyword.

If you are into digital marketing, SEO might be one of the first things in your marketing strategy. Have you ever wondered, why?

Many other things could be done for marketing a business on the Internet. Still, why SEO is given so much importance?

Well, it is because the majority of online traffic that a website enjoys comes through search engines. And when we want the search engines to show our website to its users for a specific search query, SEO serves as the backbone.

There are 3 types of SEO practices namely – technical SEO, on-page SEO and off-page SEO. All three types are significant if one wants to rank a website on a search engine.

However, after doing the technical part of SEO (as is necessary for building up an SEO-friendly site), on-page SEO always wins the priority of marketers worldwide. Isn’t it?

Therefore, in this post, we will discuss some winning On-Page SEO marketing strategies that you could use to improve the ranking of your website.

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a technique through which the content on a website is optimized as per the search engine guidelines. This technique ensures you the possibility of getting a viable organic reach for different keywords.

For a search query, the first five results win approximately 68% of the total search engine traffic. Therefore, it makes on-page SEO supremely important.

The on-page optimization is done by optimizing a site’s meta tags, title, meta descriptions, keyword density, internal & external linking and premium-quality SEO-friendly content. It is a fact that if you miss out on-page optimization from your SEO strategy, you will never be able to rank on Google.

On-Page SEO Strategies You Must Follow:

Important on-page SEO optimization strategies that you should follow wholeheartedly are discussed below:


In the world of digital media, it all starts with content and ends with content. A website without quality content is like riding a sports bike at a speed of 10 kmph.

If you need to optimize your website for on-page SEO, you need lots of quality content. The kind of content that your site hosts will decide your ranking on the SERP (search engine result pages).

If you are just bombarding your site with content no one likes to read, you are moving in the wrong direction. Your content should offer some information to people, give them something valuable to read, more probably something as fresh as a lily.

People will only read a piece of content if it is worthy to shoot the dopamine. I mean, the content should be good enough to keep readers stick to it for a longer span. Hence, the first on-page SEO tip is to get your content right.

Titles and Descriptions

When a user searches for something on Google, the meta title and description is the first thing that a user interacts with on the SERP. Hence, these things should be super-enticing to absorb the complete attention of people.

Titles and descriptions should be to the point and avoid any sort of ranting that isn’t relevant. The primary keywords should be included as it helps engines to know what the entire web content is about. According to this, the further process of indexing and ranking is determined.

SEO Writing & Keyword Density

SEO writing is nothing fancy but writing as per the SEO guidelines. It is important to include keywords not more than the ideal keyword density. According to some renowned search engine advocates, the ideal density is 1% to 3% of the total word count. However, the practice of keyword inclusion should never feel like keyword stuffing.

Image Optimization

All images, infographics, and designs should also be well-optimized using the relevant keywords or the search query. Google likes when a website contains visuals that are optimized as per the page or post title.

Geotagging (Local SEO)

Geotagging is best for businesses that earn revenue by targeting the local audience. This helps the small and medium-sized local businesses to connect well with their target audience. Geotagging will optimize the website for on-page local SEO.

Site Speed

Today, if your site loads slow, no one would like to visit it, forget the business. Also, site speed is now one of the important on-page SEO factors that help to rank on Google. A bad site speed can ruin all the efforts that you have applied to make your site worth visiting. Hence, it is prominent to optimize the speed of your website.

Responsive Design

A responsive website design implies a site structure that works smoothly across devices. Back in 2016, the mobile users exceeded the number of people who browse through a Google search result on desktop. Hence, for optimal on-page optimization, the site design and structure should be responsive.

URL Structure

The URL structure of your site is also a prominent on-page SEO factor. The site URL or permalink should display your site domain plus the page or post name. A clear URL helps Google crawlers to better understand what the link is all about.

Internal Linking

Internal linking means to link a page or post of your site to another. When a website has a proper sequence of internal linking, Google takes it as a rich and SEO-friendly site. It allows Google to understand the parent pages and the child pages or posts of your site. This aids in fast crawling and indexing, which is a prevalent on-page SEO practice.

To Conclude:

The reason that makes on-page optimization an overriding SEO technique is that it is inescapable for starting off-page optimization. The on-page SEO strategies discussed in this post can help you get your SEO right, starting today!

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